Quantum Connection at Arts Mosaic Mission San Jose, April 28th, 11-4 pm

We are all but packets of energy. Neutrons protons and electrons, that are building blocks of not just human beings but also of the universe are nothing but packets of energy, coming into material existence only when there is a conscious observer. This means we are all nothing but waves of energy. This means that when we touch each other, we never actually touch, it is our electro-magnetic fields that actually touch.
Growing up I grew up believing “everything is maya or mirage” as per Indian philosophy.  As an adult when I came across the science of subatomic particles as nothing but energy waves as per quantum electronics  (the basis of  entire electronic industry) I understood that the entire universe is nothing but one cohesive connected entity. In this show I will explore the ways we are connected to each other humans, animals and every particle of the universe. 