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sujata pratibimba

Iris Apfel

Iris Apfel

I made this portrait of centenarian, American businesswoman, interior designer, and fashion icon in flight when I saw her on a "in flight" magazine cover. It was refreshing to see an eye class manufacturer to use such an old model in an age where ageism is rampant and frequently older women become invincible in the public eye only serving the purpose of mother/wife to their male counterparts. After I had done the portrait on my flight home from the US to India while in the crammed space of economy class, I couldn't wait to search about who she was and once on the ground I realized she indeed was a big fashion icon making her own rules rather than following what the big fashion houses wanted everyone to follow. Talk about being a badass. Love her confident energy, don't you?
Regular price $4,000.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $4,000.00 USD
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